Las Vegas Metro Police Department adopts Intrepid Response to expand officer capabilities.

Intrepid Networks
OCT. 18, 2022
Intrepid Networks, an industry leader in public safety software solutions, announced today that the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) has adopted the Intrepid Response mobile situational awareness platform. The platform expands its officers' capabilities with advanced mobile systems that enable communication, collaboration, and coordination with real-time access to critical information while in the field.
ORLANDO, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, October 18, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Intrepid Networks, an industry leader in public safety software solutions, announced today that the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) has adopted the Intrepid Response mobile situational awareness platform. The platform expands its officers' capabilities with advanced mobile systems that enable communication, collaboration, and coordination with real-time access to critical information while in the field.
The platform also improves community safety and enhances situational awareness for incident response and day-to-day operations.
"Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department is at the forefront of innovative law enforcement technologies that promote community safety. We feel privileged to support their mission with our Intrepid Response mobile platform," said Britt Kane, CEO of Intrepid Networks.
LVMPD selected Intrepid Response for its unparalleled situational awareness capabilities over a common operating picture that connects personnel, sensors, assets, and decision-makers on one platform, to provide a rapid coordinated response to any incident. In addition to the platform's capabilities, its user-friendly application interface and ease of integration with other systems were vital to LVMPD selecting the platform.
The Response platform features live mapping, emergency callout, team mobilization, secure digital media exchange, Push-to-Talk integration, and automated task management. Deploying this solution will drastically reduce response times, minimize excessive radio traffic, and enhance operational efficiency, cohesion, and safety.